Dergi yayını hakkında bilgilendirme 10 Temmuz'a kadar yapılacaktır. Katılım sertifikası isteyen yazarlarımızın, bizlere mail atmaları gerekmektedir.
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Mechatronics Conference (MEKON'21), held online on the 25th of June 2021. The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research students all around the world to exchange and research results on all aspects of topics that mechatronics involves. This year, only articles written by students with their advisors will be accepted. It provides students to present their academic work on an international platform. Please note, that the extended abstract(4 pages) is accepted as a regular paper. The selected papers are going to be published in our academic journal in a 6-pages journal paper format. Paper submission is free of charge.
1st June 2021
15th June 2021
18th June 2021
You can register via Google Form by clicking the button to participate in the MEKON Conference as a audience.
Timezone: GMT+03:00
Geri çekilen veya sunum gönderilmeyen bildiriler, programdan silinecektir.
You can submit your paper via clicking the button.
Makale şablonlarına, aşağıdaki bağlantılardan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Please note that the conference paper format is 4-pages. You can find paper templates below.